Human Pollution
Human Pollution by Komen Sens


People cause pollution. Pollution is a real problem. Deadly pollution will kill most of us.

More people = more pollution. Fewer people = less pollution.

Water The Desert👍

One of the great longer-term projects to correct pollution is to water the desert on all parts of the earth. It is proven on a smaller scale.

Examples That Prove We Can Water The Desert.

Building a very expensive dam on the river Nile has provided water for citizens’ general use. In addition, vast quantities of water are being used to water the desert.

The shot to the right is showing what was achieved over 100 years ago for much less money than the high dam. The High Dam enabled Egypt to reclaim about 2.0 million 840,000 hectares. This is in the Nile Delta and along the Nile Valley. Increasing the country’s irrigated area by a third was the successful objective.

Furthermore, the increase was brought about by irrigating the desert and by bringing under cultivation to other areas of 385,000 ha. In particular, the area under rice and sugar cane cultivation increased. An additional 420,000 ha. was gained with perennial irrigation to produce two or more crops per year.

Water The Desert 2
Water the Desert 3

This near desert area in Australia is typical to those allocated to ex-servicemen. This is part of the government’s repatriation scheme after WWII.

The government settled 250 ‘blockers’, who settled on properties with their families between 1948 and 1956 in the Loxton Irrigation Area.

Until this scheme was brought to fruition there was no infrastructure to make water available to individual blocks. In the early years of irrigating everyone had to fend for themselves. The ‘blockers’ did this by bringing Water to the Desert.

The ‘blockers’ planted older-variety vines and an assortment of stone fruit trees and citrus. 

Then these trees were hand-watered whilst vines were commonly watered using hand-dug furrows.

This very low-cost project was very hard on the individuals who eventually prospered.

Large-Scale Action to Water The Desert

This detailed plan is an overview of the path that we will follow in order to achieve our objective of “water the desert”. It is for deserts, or near desert areas, that do not have a source of water. For water that can be used for irrigation, we must look to the nearest sea water.

Desalination plants, powered by a mix of tidal, solar, and wind energy built at appropriate distances around the coastline are the starting point.

In addition to the desalination plants, we take distribution lines to the areas to be serviced in the desert.  The water is moved along these pipelines by a mix of windmills, or pumps using solar or wind as appropriate.

To emphasize the need to take the water to the desert, we are planting a wide variety of vegetation. This consists of fruit, nut trees, shrubs, and vines. Then we plant in between the rows. Always using crops suited to the conditions that are enjoyed by surviving humans.

Water the Desert Benefits

Above all else, all surviving humans, and other life forms, will have a pleasant place to live and plentiful food to eat.

With these intentions, the water the desert plan, with consequential plant life, will cause the climate to become more hospitable. Perhaps even rain again!

With all the photosynthesis, the current polluted air will become clear and carry less carbon.

Pollution Causes Bushfires

Regardless of the above, human pollution is the major cause of increasing the number of bushfires. This is spreading to more and more countries. These areas must be replanted similarly to deserts and areas that have been deforested over many years.

oasis - water the desert
water the desert - dead sea