Human Pollution
Human Pollution by Komen Sens


People cause pollution. Pollution is a real problem. Deadly pollution will kill most of us.

More people = more pollution. Fewer people = less pollution.

Huge Global Population = Huge Pollution = Huge Deaths

Fact one - Global Population

It is important to realize that from the year 1800 until now, the Global Population increased from just under 1 billion people to at least 8 billion by the end of 2022. In fact, Estimates are that 2,000 years ago the global population was in the region of just 200 million. By the same token understand, our biggest increases, which are continuing, started about the time of the industrial revolution. To emphasize, in biblical terms, we now have a plague of human beings on earth, who are causing vast pollution. Consequently, nature, with time, has always taken action to redress plagues in the past. Accordingly, there is no reason to think the plague of human beings that we now have, will be any different.


While this website deals with some of the ways ordinary people will live their lives in the future, administration at international, national, and local levels can be found on our sister website here.

Fact two - Human Beings

Notably, it is we human beings who are the root cause of all the pollution we now experience. It is not carbon, forest destruction, mining, waste, or any of the other items that are usually blamed for climate change and the extinction of species. Especially, we must correct the present imbalances, nature will cause a drastic change in the number of human beings. Indeed we must correct this ourselves. Hence, there are two ways that the correction can occur.

Fix the hard way

It is important to realize that we must not let events take their own course. After all, human suffering will be immense but that is the price of doing nothing, or too little, too late. Consequently, there are many ways that most human beings will be removed. To point out just a few of the possibilities you will have heard of before: –      

      A) New killer diseases.
      B) Nuclear warfare,
      C) Polluted atmosphere,
      D) Water or food shortages,
      E) Chemical warfare,
      F) People revolts,
      G) Biological warfare,
      H) Climate change events,
      I) With melted ice caps – tectonic plate movements.

Ice Caps Melting

Starting with Ice Caps Melting, the list is endless and the timing is unknown. The outcome is a mix of at least several of the above, the most drastic in my opinion as a result of melting ice caps caused by global climate change. Obviously, warmer temperatures in the polar regions will cause the ice to melt. Then the vast amounts of water being released from this melting ice will be re-distributed around the globe. 

After all, water is heavy even in much smaller amounts. To put it another way, vastly different weight pressures from this water will find and worsen, pressure along seismic cracks. Uniquely, it will push large areas of the tectonic plates underneath, or above, adjacent plates. Moreover, the consequences will be horrifying with earthquakes and volcanic eruptions being triggered. Additionally, the effect on global geography is potentially enormous. Definitely, human societies will be affected without any precedence in our lifetime. It is important to realize that millions upon millions of humans and other lifeforms WILL BE DESTROYED.

Fix the easier way

Reproduction controls are the obvious choice but may already be too late. Certainly, one-child families for the next 30 years to catch up, will work, followed by 2 child families until the global population is back to under one billion people.

Measures to achieve this way must be voluntary and humane. One example – is a pill to end it all for every volunteer without the need for them to explain. The second example – is the drastic and certain prevention of conception, for both males and females.

Whichever way, we simply must change the way we do things, change our habits and ambitions, plus become highly flexible. Notably, China was on the right track with its one-child policy, but the whole world has to adopt similar measures to achieve the desired results.

Pollution Prevention Actions

We must address a range of issues to achieve the goal, for example:-

1.   First, banning all holiday travel that crosses national borders. Encourage virtual visits to destinations.

2.   Secondly, bann all space launches and travel by plane, until a way is found for propulsion without pollution.

3.   Third, impounding all vehicles that use fossil fuels, or other pollutants from 2030.

4.   Notably, the impounded vehicles could be converted to use an acceptable alternative driven by monetary incentives.

5.   To be sure, totally ban the use of all non-biodegradable plastics for packaging and marketing.

6.   Make it compulsory for any business selling fuel to provide clean alternatives, or be closed down.

Positive Advances

1.   Invite the big oil companies to seek alternatives to present polluting fuel.

2.   Make it compulsory for any business selling fuel to provide clean alternatives, or be closed down.

3.   Continued implementation of recycling waste into useful clean products.

4.   Force point-of-use energy systems to replace line transmission of energy to a maximum degree.

5.   Additional tariffs received as deterrents to be applied to research for new clean products.

6.   Totally ban the use of all non-biodegradable plastics for packaging and marketing.

7.   Increase re-afforestation of the denuded land areas.

8.   Irrigate the world’s deserts to bring plant life of all varieties back to them.

9.   Take many trucks off the roads by developing more rail networks with rolling stock powered by electricity that may be partly fueled by overhead solar panels and new-age, silent wind generators. Provided that the government provides the tracks, and industry to build and run, the rolling stock.

The documentary EXTINCTION explains my very thoughts but in a much more sophisticated way. Please view it here.

human pollution - beach

Do not count the cost of bringing life back to our planet – just make it happen very, very fast.

What does Greta Thunberg think? Check here.

What does David Attenborough think? Check here.

What does the Shooting Star think? Check here. Water scarcity. Air pollution. Rich poor divide. Suffering of animals for food. Plastic-filled oceans. Internet censorship. Religious hate. Racism. Environmental destruction. Ugly politics. Patriarchy. Irresponsible tourism.

What does Komen Sens (common Sense) think? Check here.