Human Pollution
Human Pollution by Komen Sens


People cause pollution. Pollution is a real problem. Deadly pollution will kill most of us.

More people = more pollution. Fewer people = less pollution.

Substantial changes will be required in the future; when our total population is brought back under control. We need to start introducing the changes now.

Law, Family Structures, Money, Justice & Health

Future Law & Legal Changes

Clearly, the present justice system is broken beyond immediate repair.

Firstly, convicts have better lives than impoverished people in society. This is due to human rights activists pressuring for prisoners‘ rights ahead of the rights of law-abiding citizens.

Secondly, convicts do not have to compensate the victims of their crimes. Moreover, no one does even though the (toothless) United Nations policy runs parallel to most of the material on the subject, on this page.

Thirdly, hardly anyone understands today’s laws or the legal system. in fact, to get anywhere in a legal conflict you must engage a high-priced lawyer.


To remedy the situation, we must close the present system of law courts and prisons. At the same time, we should repeal all laws that support the present legal systems.

Obviously, using the ten commandments becomes our best solution for understanding the law.

Justices of the Peace, become the everyday replacement for prosecutions, juries, judges, and legal councillors in much the same way as they have for hundreds of years in England. In fact, many countries have equivalent appointees. The first consideration of the presiding J.P. will be to compel the guilty party to compensate the victims of his crimes. The guilty party, after conviction of any offense,  will lose their human rights until full remedial criteria have been completed.

Money in The Future

For the origin of money, take a look to see why it came into being thousands of years ago. In fact, the present systems around banking are more to help Bankers to increase their wealth at the expense of ordinary citizens.

With the original purpose in mind, money has to be issued in a just manner, backed by the real assets of the country. The method outlined by Komen Sens does just that.

The purpose of taxation is to fund the legitimate requirements of the country in the interests of all people. Owing to that, with all the measures detailed on this website and the website of Komen Sens (common sense), there is a huge fall in the need for tax. Cost savings are made also by adopting a simple sales tax.

Hint! You will pay no tax if you do not have the money to buy. If you have plenty of money to buy you will pay the tax. Every other tax except the sales tax is abolished. No income tax and no profit tax. They are not needed. They are disincentives to work.

Future Remuneration.

One person cannot be worth 10 times, or even more than the minimum wage.

In light of that:-

  • Unskilled workers should earn the minimum wage up to 1.25 times that. How the job is done will determine actual amount within the range. 
  • Skilled workers, mid-range clerks, and tradespeople will then be paid at least 1.25 times the minimum wage and up to 1.75 times for effort/results. 
  • Qualified professionals, up to mid-range management, and other equally qualified persons, will then be worth 1.75 to 2.5 times the minimum. 
  • Highly qualified and senior management are worth 2.5 to 3.25 times the minimum.
  • The very top-paid persons should receive a maximum in the range of 3.25 to 4.0 times the minimum. 

The above amounts are total remuneration, no matter how it may be disguised. No one, not even the President or other head of State is worth it anymore.

Educations Future.

Please open the following page, which details the situation with Education and how it needs to change. Thought is given to cutting out subjects that are not needed for a basic qualification. Also, a plan to introduce all students to the workforce. This is to enable them to become responsible for their own actions.

Health Changes In Future

As with education, there is a very good article about health services that you should absorb here.

This health system is built to satisfy basic human needs, rather than the bank accounts of doctors and other seniors in the field. This leads to much lower costs and ample resources.