Human Pollution
Human Pollution by Komen Sens


People cause pollution. Pollution is a real problem. Deadly pollution will kill most of us.

More people = more pollution. Fewer people = less pollution.

Profit & Growth

The North American-inspired concept of Profit and Growth is the root cause of today’s malady. It started with the industrial revolution between 1760 to 1840.

Industrial Revolution

The industrial revolution was without a doubt the trigger for many life-changing things. Physical pollution was easily understood with daily visual evidence.

In reality, large buildings sprawl everywhere, belching smoke, steam, and chemicals into the air. As a matter of fact, while water that was contaminated in the production processes is now contaminated by the chemical waste it is drained away into streams and rivers. 

In addition, the working conditions damaged the workforce. Moreover, the owners paid very low wages to workers, who worked very long hours and endured heat, polluted air, and chemical damage to bodily organs.

As a matter of fact, mass production caused mass pollution and damaged the health of workers.

Profit and Growth

Start of Profit and Growth

Profit and Growth

The industrial revolution gave entrepreneurs a great opportunity to prosper in a big way, which they quickly discovered. They sought ways to maximize the opportunities. 

Equally important cost cutting by owners produced greater profits for them.  The CEOs cut costs by reducing wages, working longer hours, and by limiting overheads. They resorted to paying creditors late. In addition, customers were asked to make an advance payment.

Moreover, the business owners charged less for goods – produced using economies of scale.

Sales were obtained by appointing agents and offering commissions. In addition, new markets were opened up in different geographic areas.

These methods were quickly dubbed obtaining PROFIT and GROWTH.

Effects of Profit and Growth on Pollution

Profit and growth will encourage (demand) more workers (migrants), more consumer goods, and more of everything. For the purpose of organizing, this will require resources with the money being extracted to a large extent from those least able to pay for it. All for the benefit of the growth and profit of business owners.

The above will collectively mean greater pollution directly and subsequently to service it. Then, extra people will obviously cause even more pollution every day, every year.

This must not happen. Stop it now.

Effects of Profit and Growth on Society

I recall my studies in the early 1970s for Commercial Law and Accounting. We were told by Lecturers that the twin objectives of all businesses are PROFIT and GROWTH. I now understand the profound effect of this on society. They are promoting GREED. 

Business leaders are greedy for growth. They are greedy for higher profit. The business owners want bigger profits and higher growth for their own benefit. They do not care who buys their goods, who accepts worse quality, or what use their products will be put to. The owners just want MORE for themselves.

The effects of this greed mean business ethics are no longer adhered to. Somehow greed is no longer evil, it is good – really!

It is important to realize that with the unwholesome desire for profit and growth, the needs of society at large are forgotten. Everyone suffers. Unfortunately, the result is “The rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer.”

Large numbers of people will become despondent, angry, and rebellious. Breakdown of law and order will occur more frequently.  It will get ever harder for ordinary folk just to live.

This has to change quickly.