Human Pollution
Human Pollution by Komen Sens


People cause pollution. Pollution is a real problem. Deadly pollution will kill most of us.

More people = more pollution. Fewer people = less pollution.

Why was the Garden Of Eden destroyed? Humans destroyed it, should humans now re-create it? Of course, and then go on to remedy other fertile lost lands.

How Would We Recreate The Garden Of Eden?

We have some limited descriptions of the Garden Of Eden, but no pictures. How can we recreate the Garden without pictures? The answer is simple. Search for all trees, shrubs, and plants that prosper in the existing soils and climate. Add water and start planting.

The original Garden of Eden provided food and sustenance to a moderate number of people. Supposedly starting with Adam and Eve who became a tribe. That being the case we will plant a wide variety of fruit trees, nut trees, and shrubs that produce berries and other foods. In the ground, we should plant kumara, parsnips, ginger, varieties of herbs, peanuts, onions, beetroot, rhubarb, peppers, and finally, peas, corn, beans, oats, barley, wheat, strawberries, pineapple, etc. It is clear that a diet of food derived from plants was our original diet. Do you catch the drift? With the addition of kinds of seafood, we now have an excellent diet. Seafood is essential to give us sufficient salt to sustain us.

How Do We Add Water to The Garden Of Eden?

Is your location close to a shoreline? If it is you may wish to consider a saltwater greenhouse for your new Garden of Eden. Your writer had a small part to play in the start-up operation of a Saltwater Greenhouse. This one produced tomatoes in the desert. Ours, called Seawater Greenhouse was near Adelaide in Australia.

Clearly, such operations show the practical way to start building the second Garden of Eden. Water derived this way will become the water supply for much of the non-greenhouse part of the Garden of Eden.

The will to tackle such a ground breaking project is the only thing in short supply at present. That is about to change. Will you join in?

Strawberry tree in the Garden of Eden
Pomegranate from Garden of Eden

There are many ways to pump water uphill to irrigate higher land. You will be interested in the article here. The article is from Agritec Tomorrow and the subject is Using Windmills T deliver Water.

Also, there is also our own page on watering the desert, seen here

These two practical ways are but 2 of the many ways available. You just need to identify the right one for the job.

What Are Suitable Locations

There are countless possible locations for new projects to develop the Garden of Eden concept.

Fairly barren land that can be acquired at a very low cost and which has some sort of water supply within 100 kilometers is a possibility. A further consideration is the ease of access to many human beings who need food.

The chosen piece of land may be an area where local tribes existed over thousands of years but who gradually used up all the trees.

Their land may have suffered from ancient climate change.

Garden of Eden - banana

Let me quote an actual example. The Aboriginal people of Australia came to their own Garden of Eden on the very large island of Australia. They gathered seafood. Also, they gathered fruit and nuts from a range of unique trees and bushes.  As well they found tasty insects and grubs to widen their diet. These were nomadic tribes who moved from place to place with the change of seasons. They did not need to work hard to conserve their environment. It just happened.

However, over about 50,000 years there was a gradual worsening with the cutting of trees from time to time. So, today much of Australia is bereft of trees and the hot sunny days parch the surface. Unfortunately, it is increasingly difficult to survive on the baked and now barren landscape.

The Aboriginal people are the oldest known civilization still surviving. Apparently, they have always been here and did not migrate from Africa, or other known origins.