Human Pollution
Human Pollution by Komen Sens


People cause pollution. Pollution is a real problem. Deadly pollution will kill most of us.

More people = more pollution. Fewer people = less pollution.

Fish farming is needed immediately to feed the enormous population growth of human beings witnessed over the last 250 years – in a pollution-free environment.

Fresh Water Fish Farming

Freshwater fish farming is truly a way of feeding a large sector of the current global population. We must certainly feed hungry mouths. World leaders must reduce the population in an orderly manner to reduce the population by at least 85%.

Moreover, we also need to cater to the diet of the surviving humans. World leaders must adopt a clear objective for those of us without shutters on our eyes.

Komen Sens certainly believes that freshwater fish farming will become cheaper to establish and maintain than saltwater projects. According to The Conversation, “In 1990, only 13 percent of world seafood consumption comes from fish farmers. By 2014, aquaculture was providing more than half of the fish consumed directly by human beings.”

Fish Farmers must establish freshwater fish farming on suitable lakes, rivers, reservoirs, ponds, and abandoned quarries. Low walls can easily define basin areas of land, filled with fresh water from any nearby source. 

Not to mention, that the enormous population growth is one of the root causes of global pollution.

Fresh Water Fish Farming

New farmers in fresh waters are not and should not be concerned over the allegations of some conservationists. The fish farmers do agree that there is some pollution being gathered from the excrement of the fish being farmed. The snails will eat the polluted material and keep the waterbed clean. Another key point, it only needs a handful of snails to be dropped into the water. Of course, the snails will mushroom. Significantly, snails are a wonderful source of income for farmers. Southern Europe provides a ready market for snails from a discerning but hungry populace. Therefore, freshwater fish farmers gain additional revenue.

Salt Water Fish Farming

Salt Water Fish Farming

Saltwater fish farmers will often benefit from being granted rights to a fish farm in saltwater locations. These fish farmers will not have the cost of acquiring land for their farms.

There is a bigger range of products available to saltwater fish farmers. Just a few of these are.

  • A bigger variety of suitable fish.
  • Seaweed.
  • And shellfish.

These farmers will additionally, also choose more than one of the above classes sharing the same space.

One additional benefit arises for fish farmers. In addition, men will no longer have to go in boats to the oceans and risk their lives to catch fish in the wild. There is interesting evidence that the capital costs of fish farming will be lower than the costs of fishing boats. Save costs and save lives!

High Intensity & Breeding Stock

High-intensity fish farming can profit from salt to fresh water products. To feed the globally expanding population, many operations are springing up around the world. The much smaller population wants these products.

As a matter of fact, an Australian Government paper revealed:

“Aquaculture can be extensive, semi-intensive, or intensive, depending on the level of input and output per farming area and the stocking density.”

“Intensive aquaculture involves intervention in the growing process, such as with supplemental feeding and water aeration (such as prawn farming). Whereas extensive aquaculture allows the stock to grow on its own. It uses natural food sources and conditions (such as oyster farming).”

Equally important, see the full paper on this here.

High Intensity Fish Farming